
My name is Dominik “Dom” Habersack. I love sharing what I know in any way possible. This is me with my dog Cooper:

Cooper and Dom
Cooper is an Elo-pup, a not-yet-officially-recognized breed.

I do my best work on the web, where I have been working with businesses on improving their products for over a decade. With a focus on UI and UX, I work hard to make it easier for your customers to interact with you.

People come first in everything I do. I want to identify and solve problems people have in their daily work to make their lives a little better. When writing code, readability always beats shortness for me. The most performant and optimized code is useless if others won’t be able to maintain it.

I have worked with many tech stacks across teams, companies, and industries. My work history has equipped me well to adapt to new environments and take on new challenges.

I never shy away from the tasks and responsibilities nobody else wants to take on either. I’ll untangle legacy code and Google Tag Manager setups others don’t want to touch. If there’s a new initiative nobody else is familiar with, I’ll use it as an opportunity to learn something new. I leave everything I touch in a better state than I found it in, making the next person’s life easier.

My stack

These are the tools and technologies I am most proficient with at the moment.

Project experience

These are some of my past client projects.

Frontend Lead

E-commerce14 months

I helped refine the client’s MVP-level Next.js application to meet changing requirements. I also supported them with hiring and onboarding more developers.

Frontend Developer, UX Designer

Healthcare7 months

I developed concepts for and implemented an information architecture, user flows, and interface elements for a software used in operating rooms.

Frontend Architect, Scrum Master

Healthcare14 months

I helped port the client’s code to a React.js stack. I ran a Design Sprint and took on a Scrum Master role, gradually introducing changes to the team’s processes.

Product Owner, UI/UX Designer, React Native Developer

Home appliances5 months

Our team extended an appliance with IoT-capabilities. I gathered requirements, created user flows and mockups, and contributed as a developer.

See my full CV →

Social profiles

You can find me all across the web, such as any of these places.

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