Descriptive variables instead of complex conditions

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A few well-named variables go a long way towards making code more self-explanatory. Readability is worth a few extra lines; your future self will thank you!

// before: it’s hard to see what this combination of conditions does
if (!(currentDay === "Saturday" || currentDay === "Sunday") &&
    currentHour >= 9 && currentHour <= 18) {
  return "The store is open!"
// after: by assigning the conditions to variables, we can use their names
// to explain the logic behind our code in plain language
const isSaturday = currentDay === "Saturday"
const isSunday = currentDay === "Sunday"
const isWeekend = isSaturday || isSunday
const isDuringBusinessHours = currentHour >= 9 && currentHour <= 18
if (!isWeekend && isDuringBusinessHours) {
  return "The store is open!"
// before: it’s hard to see what this combination of conditions does
if (!(currentDay === "Saturday" || currentDay === "Sunday") &&
    currentHour >= 9 && currentHour <= 18) {
  return "The store is open!"
// after: by assigning the conditions to variables, we can use their names
// to explain the logic behind our code in plain language
const isSaturday = currentDay === "Saturday"
const isSunday = currentDay === "Sunday"
const isWeekend = isSaturday || isSunday
const isDuringBusinessHours = currentHour >= 9 && currentHour <= 18
if (!isWeekend && isDuringBusinessHours) {
  return "The store is open!"
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