Spongebob-ifying strings

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Want to use JavaScript to make Spongebob memes? This function transforms "strings like this" into "StRiNgS lIkE tHiS". It turns the first letter into uppercase, and then alternates between lowercase and uppercase for all following letters.

const spongebobify = string => {
  return string.split("").reduce(({ result, isUppercase }, char) => {
    // check if the character is a letter from a to z (upper- or lowercase)
    if (/[a-zA-Z]/.test(char)) {
      // change the casing of the letter
      const letter = isUppercase ? char.toUpperCase() : char.toLowerCase()
      // append updated letter and flip `isUppercase` for next iteration
      return {
        result: `${result}${letter}`,
        isUppercase: !isUppercase
    // append unchanged non-letter (like numbers), keep `isUppercase` as is
    return {
      result: `${result}${char}`,
  }, {
    // these are the default values we go into the reduce-function with
    result: "",
    isUppercase: true
// this has very little practical use
spongebobify("string like this")     // ⇒ StRiNg LiKe ThIs
spongebobify("This is a seaplane.")  // ⇒ ThIs Is A sEaPlAnE.
const spongebobify = string => {
  return string.split("").reduce(({ result, isUppercase }, char) => {
    // check if the character is a letter from a to z (upper- or lowercase)
    if (/[a-zA-Z]/.test(char)) {
      // change the casing of the letter
      const letter = isUppercase ? char.toUpperCase() : char.toLowerCase()
      // append updated letter and flip `isUppercase` for next iteration
      return {
        result: `${result}${letter}`,
        isUppercase: !isUppercase
    // append unchanged non-letter (like numbers), keep `isUppercase` as is
    return {
      result: `${result}${char}`,
  }, {
    // these are the default values we go into the reduce-function with
    result: "",
    isUppercase: true
// this has very little practical use
spongebobify("string like this")     // ⇒ StRiNg LiKe ThIs
spongebobify("This is a seaplane.")  // ⇒ ThIs Is A sEaPlAnE.
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