Awesome creator podcasts

Posted on (updated Feb 16, 2022)

Whenever I am doing chores or walking my dog, I am listening to podcasts. They have been my favorite source of education and entertainment for the last decade. Right now, I am subscribed to 110 podcasts across genres like tech, business, music, and video games.

I particularly enjoy the format of “founders talking about their businesses”. These are usually done by individuals or friends who update each other on their progress. In each episode, these founders share the challenges they are facing on their journey.

It is fascinating to follow them as they “work in public”. The hosts share details of their professional lives you don’t normally hear. Following their path to making a living on their own terms is fascinating. It shows you that this kind of work doesn’t come easy to others either. These podcasts make me feel like it is okay to try many paths and fail repeatedly until something works.

Of the podcasts following this format, these are the ones I am subscribed to (and caught up on) right now. I can 100% recommend you check them out if those kinds of conversations are your jam.

Above Board

Above Board

Fathom Analytics

The Art of Product

The Art of Product

Derrick Reimer, Ben Orenstein



Steve McLeod

Bootstrapped Web

Bootstrapped Web

Brian Casel, Jordan Gal

Build your SaaS

Build your SaaS

Justin Jackson, Jon Buda

Default Alive

Default Alive

Corey Haines, Chris Spags



Sean Fioritto, Aaron Francis, Colleen Schnettler

Chris Achard, Christian Genco

MegaMaker 2022

MegaMaker 2022

Justin Jackson

Out of Beta

Out of Beta

Matt Wensing, Peter Suhm

Product Journey

Product Journey

Noah Bragg, Ben Mann

Rogue Startups

Rogue Startups

Dave Rodenbaugh, Craig Hewitt

Searching For SaaS

Searching For SaaS

Nate Bosscher, Josh Ho

Slow & Steady

Slow & Steady

Brian Rhea, Benedikt Deicke, Benedicte Raae

Software Social

Software Social

Michele Hansen, Colleen Schnettler

Startup to Last

Startup to Last

Rick Lindquist, Tyler King

Startup to Something

Startup to Something

Marc LG, Matt Gale

This list is most likely incomplete. What other podcasts like these did I miss? If you know of any I should check out and add here, tweet me at @domhabersack to let me know!

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